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Land of the Refugees (by Jim Leong)

Our school went on a mission trip to Malaysia in November. It was a trip where we met refugees across many nations. It was a very memorable one, as the trip was fruitful and allowed us to see God’s work among the refugees. Many refugees flee their homelands due to oppression or war in search of a safer and better life. We have an opportunity to meet many from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Iran, and other nations. It is amazing that the organisation we partnered with is undertaking a massive effort to reach out to 20 nations of refugees out of the 50 that existed. This effort involves providing various forms of aid, including shelter, food, medical care, education, and jobs, to those displaced from their homes. The organisation's dedication to impacting the lives of refugees is commendable, and it is inspiring to see the staff and volunteers’ commitment to serving those in need. Yet, the organisation never lost sight of its primary mission of bringing the good news of Jesus to them in various ways. They live out what the Apostle says in 1 Corinthians 9:22—to become all things to all men so that by all possible means he might save some.

One lesson from their ministry taught me is that it is not just a platform for the gospel to penetrate the refugees' lives; their ministry also actively invites other missionaries from other countries to participate with them. As the director repeatedly shared with us, their work does not belong to them; it is God’s work. Thank God for giving the leaders and staff such a kingdom mindset and vision to see this window of opportunity. My heart was filled with thanksgiving and joy to witness God's grace at work among the refugees and the workers sent to the harvest field. Thank you so much for your generous support and prayers that have enabled us to experience and serve on this mission trip.

God is good, and I have gone through a fruitful 1.5 years of study in DTC by His grace. Please pray for good time management in juggling between family, study, serving in ministry, and, most importantly, walking humbly and closely with God.

A miracle of mercy,

Jim Leong

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38

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